Frequently asked questions

Have questions about how Spring Health works or how we can help you feel your best?

General Information

What is Spring Health?
Who can access Spring Health?
How much does Spring Health cost?
What if I use all of my covered therapy sessions?
Can team members or family members share any unused therapy or coaching sessions?
Is my participation confidential?
How can I contact Spring Health?
How can I contact Spring Health if I am traveling in another country?
Why should I use Spring Health?
When should I use Spring Health?
What if I don’t need therapy, or if I’m not ready to talk to someone yet? 
What if I need help immediately?
How diverse is the provider network?
How can Spring Health help?
How can I get started with Spring Health?
How do I get started with a therapist?
How can my family members get started with Spring Health?
I already have a provider I’m happy with, do I have to switch?
Where is the therapist located?
How can I schedule therapy appointments?
What happens if I miss an appointment? 
What conditions are covered by Spring Health?
What types of providers are available with Spring Health?
How diverse is the Spring Health provider network?
What is a life coaching session?
How is life coaching different from therapy?
How can a life coach help me?
What language will the life coach speak?
What can work-life services help with?
How can I access work-life services?
Spring Health Global Partner Contact Information:

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