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and select Option 2

Are you in crisis? Call

1-855-638-WELL (9355)

and select Option 2

Your tools for a happier, healthier life.

Your plan with Moda Health provides a new benefit from Spring Health with access to mental health services including virtual and in-person therapy, on-demand wellness exercises and more.

Work – life resources

We’re here to help you thrive, even in areas beyond mental health. Connect with an expert consultant or browse thousands of articles across a variety of legal, financial, and work-life subject areas.

We’re here to help you thrive, even in areas beyond mental health. Connect with an expert consultant or browse thousands of articles across a variety of legal, financial, and work-life subject areas. Use the code "nestle" to access work-life resources.

Access Work-Life Resources

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Support to Help You Feel Your Best

We take the stress and guesswork out of accessing mental health care, so you can focus on what’s really important — your well-being.

Personalized Care Plan

Answer a few questions to unlock care recommendations that support your unique needs and goals.

Diverse Provider Options

Easily find a trusted provider who fits your preferences and understands you.

Fast Access to Care

Get support within a few days, at a time that fits your schedule — even on nights and weekends.

Guidance and Support

Count on us to help you navigate every step of your well-being journey.

Your Tools for a Happier, Healthier Life

Your Tools for a Healthier Life

Mental healthcare isn’t one-size-fits-all. Your Spring Health benefit includes a variety of services that can help you reach your well-being goals.


Izgradite zdraviji um i sretniji život uz podršku suosjećajnog terapeuta. Terapija vam pomaže da bolje razumijete sebe, radite kroz izazove, naučite zdrave vještine suočavanja, poboljšate samopouzdanje i ojačate odnose.


Otključajte svoj potencijal, razvijajte nove vještine i postignite svoje ciljeve partnerstvom sa specijaliziranim trenerom. Treniranje vam pomaže stvoriti svoj put do uspjeha u osobnom i profesionalnom razvoju, zdravlju i dobrobiti, odnosima ili roditeljstvu.

Trenutke vježbe

Osjećajte se bolje brzo i ojačajte svoje mentalno zdravlje s vremenom uz Moments. Naša digitalna biblioteka kratkih, samovođenih wellness vježbi pomaže vam da se oslobodite stresa, tjeskobe, izgaranja, nesanice i drugih izazova u samo nekoliko minuta.

Trenutke vježbe
Navigacija za njegu

S pouzdanjem napravite sljedeći korak svog dobrobiti uz smjernice licenciranog kliničara. Naši navigatori za njegu pomažu vam razumjeti vaš plan njege i pronaći pravog pružatelja usluga, nudeći preporuke i emocionalnu podršku na putu.

Navigacija za njegu
Obiteljska podrška

Pronađite pravu podršku za svakog člana obitelji. Vaš kliničar daje preporuke za njegu prilagođene dobi i smjernice o temama poput razgovora s djecom o terapiji.

Obiteljska podrška
24/7 podrška za krize

Razgovarajte s nekim odmah tijekom izazovnijih životnih trenutaka. S osobljem licenciranih kliničara, naša povjerljiva linija za krizne podrške dostupna je kad god vam je potrebna hitna pomoć - 24 sata dnevno, 7 dana u tjednu.

24/7 podrška za krize
Obrazovni webinari

Učite od stručnjaka za mentalno zdravlje. Naši zanimljivi webinari nude praktične savjete za suočavanje s uobičajenim izazovima, poboljšanje vašeg blagostanja i podršku drugima. Pridružite se nadolazećem webinaru ili gledajte snimke na zahtjev.

Obrazovni webinari
WellSprings razgovori

Povežite se s drugima u sigurnom i podržavajućem prostoru. Naši razgovori WellSprings pozdravljaju male grupe ljudi iz različitih sredina kako bi podijelili zajednička iskustva i podržali jedni druge. Pridružite se nadolazećem WellSpringsu razgovoru.

WellSprings razgovori

Resources for Managers & HR

Access dedicated support designed for managers and HR Business Partners, providing the tools and expertise needed to address employee well-being, enhance team dynamics, and drive organizational success

Create Managers & HR Support Request
* critical incident response available 24/7 (press 4)
* management consultations available 24/7 (press 5)

How Spring Health Works

Spring Health + PepsiCo

Learn how we can help you.

Learn how Spring Health can help you thrive and how your benefit works.

How it works

Work – life resources

We’re here to help you thrive, even in areas beyond mental health. Connect with an expert consultant or browse thousands of articles across a variety of legal, financial, and work-life subject areas.

Access Work-Life Resources

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Start Feeling Better Today

No matter what you’re facing, we’re dedicated to helping you be well. Activate your Spring Health account and explore your exclusive mental health benefits now.

Frequently asked questions

Have questions about how Spring Health works or how we can help you feel your best?

Why should I use Spring Health?

How can Spring Health help me?

Will you keep my participation confidential?

How much does Spring Health cost?

Is there a Spring Health mobile app?

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