
Frequently asked questions

Have questions about how Spring Health works or how we can help you feel your best?

Thông tin chung

Sức khỏe mùa xuân có thể giúp tôi điều gì?
Tại sao tôi nên sử dụng Spring Health?
Spring Health có giá bao nhiêu?
Điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu tôi sử dụng tất cả các buổi trị liệu được bảo hiểm của mình?
Sự tham gia của tôi có được bí mật không?
Làm thế nào tôi có thể liên hệ với Spring Health?
Tại sao tôi nên sử dụng Spring Health?
Khi nào thì nên dùng Spring Health?
Điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu tôi không cần trị liệu, hoặc nếu tôi chưa sẵn sàng nói chuyện với ai đó?
Nếu tôi cần giúp đỡ ngay lập tức thì sao?
Sức khỏe mùa xuân có thể giúp gì?
Spring Health cá nhân hóa việc chăm sóc của tôi như thế nào?
Spring Health cá nhân hóa việc chăm sóc của tôi như thế nào?

Thông tin đăng ký

Làm thế nào tôi có thể bắt đầu với Spring Health?
Làm thế nào để các thành viên trong gia đình tôi có thể bắt đầu với Spring Health?

Thông tin nhà cung cấp

Nhóm chăm sóc là gì và họ có thể giúp đỡ như thế nào?
Care Navigator là gì và họ có thể giúp đỡ như thế nào?
Sự khác biệt giữa một cuộc hẹn nhận phòng và một cuộc hẹn trị liệu là gì?
Làm thế nào tôi có thể lên lịch hẹn trị liệu?
Điều gì xảy ra nếu tôi bỏ lỡ một cuộc hẹn?
Những điều kiện nào được bảo hiểm bởi Spring Health?
Những loại nhà cung cấp nào có sẵn với Spring Health?
Sự khác biệt giữa bác sĩ tâm thần, bác sĩ và nhà trị liệu là gì?
Quá trình tìm kiếm và giới thiệu bác sĩ của bạn là gì?
Mạng lưới nhà cung cấp Spring Health đa dạng như thế nào?
Làm thế nào tôi có thể yêu cầu một nhà cung cấp với một chuyên ngành hoặc nền tảng cụ thể?
Tôi đã có một nhà cung cấp mà tôi hài lòng. Tôi có phải chuyển đổi không?
Làm thế nào để tôi biết nếu con tôi cần hỗ trợ sức khỏe tâm thần?
Một buổi huấn luyện là gì?
Huấn luyện khác với trị liệu như thế nào?
Làm thế nào một huấn luyện viên có thể giúp tôi?
Một cuộc hẹn quản lý thuốc là gì?
Điều gì xảy ra trong một cuộc hẹn quản lý thuốc?
Những loại thuốc có thể được kê đơn?
Điều gì xảy ra sau khi các buổi quản lý thuốc của tôi được sử dụng?
Dịch vụ công việc-cuộc sống có thể giúp gì?
Làm thế nào tôi có thể truy cập các dịch vụ cuộc sống công việc?
Chuyển đổi chăm sóc

What is Spring Health?

Team Member Life Resources provided by Spring Health is a free benefit offering easy access to convenient, personalized mental health support. Spring Health offers you support to meet your goals and through any of life’s challenges.

Who can access Spring Health?

Spring Health is available to all U.S. and Global Owned Brands team members and their family members.

How much does Spring Health cost?

Target offers Team Member Life Resources, provided by Spring Health, at no cost to you. Up to 8 free therapy sessions each year (April 1 - March 31) and 6 free life coaching sessions per-issue each year are available to each team member and their family members.

Spring Health provides the following with no limit:

  • 24/7 crisis support
  • Work-life services, such as financial, legal and caregiving resources

What if I use all of my covered therapy sessions?

If you use all 8 covered therapy sessions, you can choose to continue care with the same provider at your own cost. Additional sessions may be billed directly to you. Costs may vary based on your location. You can contact our care support team to explore your options further or send an email to careteam@springhealth.com.

Can team members or family members share any unused therapy or coaching sessions?

No, each team member and family member has access to their own set of sessions, but sessions cannot be shared between individuals.

Is my participation confidential?

Your care with Spring Health is private and confidential. We take our responsibility to protect your privacy very seriously and do not share individual data with your employer, unless requested by you or required by law. For more information about the types of information we collect and/or share, please see our privacy policy (available at springhealth.com/target). Spring Health does not share your individual assessment responses or whether you use any of our services with your employer. We only use your answers to create a personalized care plan to help you get better, faster.

How can I contact Spring Health?

Get started by visiting springhealth.com/target and enter code: Target. Alternatively you can send an email to careteam@springhealth.com.

If you need technical support, visit springhealth.com/support or email  careteam@springhealth.com for assistance.

  • Crisis support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

How can I contact Spring Health if I am traveling in another country?

Team members and their family members should contact their home country location to access their Spring Health benefits while traveling.

Why should I use Spring Health?

Figuring out where to start with mental healthcare can be overwhelming. Spring Health takes away the guesswork with a short telephonic assessment that evaluates where you are today and build a care plan based on your needs and preferences. You will receive personalized feedback on your results, along with recommended next steps from your intake coordinator, who can help you find and book a therapy appointment.

When should I use Spring Health?

Spring Health can assist you with a broad range of mental health needs, from personal growth and goal setting, to daily challenges, to clinical support for anxiety or depression. Examples include:

  • Stress and burnout
  • Relationship or parenting coaching
  • Prolonged depression, sadness, or irritability
  • Personal or professional goal setting
  • Excessive fears, worries, and anxieties
  • Strong feelings of anger
  • Sleep support
  • Inability to cope with daily problems or activities
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Numerous unexplained physical ailments
  • Substance abuse
  • Intense fear of weight gain
  • Prolonged negative mood
  • Difficulties focusing at work

What if I don’t need therapy, or if I’m not ready to talk to someone yet?

That’s okay! If you don’t need therapy, you have access to life coaching sessions to support your health & well-being, parenting, and personal or professional development goals.

What if I need help immediately?

Spring Health offers crisis support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you feel like you need to speak with someone now and cannot wait to book an appointment, call the toll-free number 1800400028 and press 2. A licensed professional will answer your call within 60 seconds. Crisis support is available whenever you need immediate assistance, life-threatening or not. If you or someone you know is at risk of harm, call your local emergency services number immediately.

How can I get started with Spring Health?

Follow these steps to access your benefits:

  • Visit springhealth.com/target and enter the code: Target.
  • After entering the code on this page, select your location and view contact information to schedule care, receive navigation support through phone or email, and access a library of available resources.

If you are having any trouble signing up, you can reach the Spring Health Care Team by emailing careteam@springhealth.com or call your local country number Toll Free phone: 1800400028 (Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm Local Time).

How can Spring Health help?

A variety of valuable services and resource are available through Spring Health. Team Members have easy access to:

  • Personalized care. Take a short telephonic assessment to get a care plan designed just for you. Based on your immediate needs and long-term goals, recommendations might include therapy, coaching, or a combination of care options.
  • Free therapy. Get support when it’s convenient for you, either virtually or in person. Appointments are available in as soon as two days, even on nights and weekends. Each member (age 8+) gets 8 therapy sessions each year (April 1- March 31) at no cost. Therapy sessions are typically 45 minutes but may vary based on situation.
  • Care for your whole household. Families need mental health support, too, and that’s why Spring Health offers fast access to providers who specialize in working with couples, families, children, and teenagers. For those seeking couples therapy, whomever books the session on their account would use their sponsored session.  This means that each Team Member would be able to access up to 16 couples counseling sessions, using 8 of the sessions sponsored for the Team Member and 8 sessions sponsored for the family member.
  • Free life coaching. Connect with a life coach to help you reach your personal or professional goals. Coaching can support you in personal development, health and well-being, relationships, or parenting. Each member (age 18+) gets 6 coaching sessions per-issue each year (April 1- March 31) at no cost.
  • Work-life services. Need help managing life outside of work? Access expert guidance and resources to navigate legal or financial matters, child care, elder care, pet care, travel, household services, and more.

How can my family members get started with Spring Health?

You can initiate care for family members ages 8-17:

  • You will need to initiate care for kids and teens ages 8-17. To get started, visit springhealth.com/target and enter the code: Target. On the next page, select your location and use the contact information displayed to contact a clinician. The clinician will conduct a telephonic intake assessment and provide you with care options within three business days.

If you are looking for care for a family member younger than 8 years old, a clinician can provide resources and referrals to you as the parent/guardian.

You can also help your partner, spouse, and adult family members get access to care independently:

  • If your family member is over 18 years old, they will be able to access care directly themselves by visiting springhealth.com/target and entering the code: Target

How do I get started with a therapist?

Visit springhealth.com/target, enter the code: Target, and select your location. You will be provided with the local phone number in your country. Once you’ve dialed the number provided, a clinician will ask you a few short questions about how you’re doing, as well as ask if you have any specific preferences surrounding a counselor. Within 3 business days, you will hear back from the clinician with contact information for a counselor with whom you can begin booking appointments.

I already have a provider I’m happy with, do I have to switch?

You do not need to switch to a new provider. You’re welcome to use Spring Health as additional guidance to better inform your current treatment.

What language will the therapist speak?

You should make it clear to the clinician during your initial call if you have any specific language requirements. Afterward they will connect you to a therapist who speaks your preferred language.

Where is the therapist located?

While the top priority is finding a therapist who speaks your language, we also try to ensure the therapist is in your region for better alignment of schedules and to ensure cultural competency. Most sessions are performed remotely via video chat, but if you’d like an in-person therapy session, please indicate this to your clinician during the intake call.

How can I schedule therapy appointments?

Visit springhealth.com/target and enter the code: Target. After entering the code on this page, select your location and view contact information to schedule care, receive navigation support through phone or email, and access a library of available resources.

What conditions are covered by Spring Health?

All providers can assist you with general mental health questions and conditions like anxiety, depression, ADHD, and PTSD. You will also see tags listed under each provider’s profile noting their specialty areas, such as divorce, grief, LGBTQ+, veterans, and more.

Spring Health does not cover autism spectrum disorder and long-term, open-ended psychotherapy. If you need care for a condition not covered by Spring Health, talk to your intake councilor, who can refer you to resources or providers who can help.

Where is the life coach located?

While the top priority is finding a coach who speaks your language, we also try to ensure the coach is in your region for better alignment of schedules and to ensure cultural competency. Most sessions are performed remotely via video chat oe telephonic, please indicate your preference to the clinician during the intake call.

How can I schedule life coaching appointments?

Visit springhealth.com/target and enter the code: Target. After entering the code on this page, select your location and view contact information to schedule care, receive navigation support through phone or email, and access a library of available resources.

What is a life coaching session?

Life coaching sessions are separate from (and do not count against) the prepaid therapy sessions provided to you by Target. Life coaching series are offered as 6 sessions per-issue each year (April 1 - March 31).

Life coaches can help you find purpose, develop a greater sense of adaptability, and build confidence and self-esteem as progress is being made. The coaches specialise in the following areas: personal development, parenting and health and well-being.

How is life coaching different from therapy?

Life coaching isn’t therapy and isn’t a substitute for therapy. Therapists diagnose and treat conditions and promote healthy functioning. A life coach partners with you to help you set and achieve personal goals, build new skills, and develop healthier habits. Unlike a close friend or a family member, coaches bring a fresh, unbiased, and science-backed perspective to help you reset, get unstuck, and create the life you want.

How can a life coach help me?

A life coach can help with personal development (life transitions, identity, relationships, communication skills, self-development, work-life balance, time management), parenting (quality time, identity support, parenting best practices, developmental activities, behavioral concerns, family contributions), and health and well-being (nutrition, physical activity, stress management and resiliency, sleep, mindfulness, self-care).

What can work-life services help with?

Work-life services are available to help you navigate legal or financial matters, get care for any member of your family, find household service providers, learn about health and well-being, and much more. You can connect with a consultant for a list of local resources and referrals, or browse a digital content library to learn more about different kinds of support. To connect with a consultant to help you manage day-to-day life call the toll-free number provided for your local country ( Toll Free phone: 1800400028 )the or email support@resourcesforyourlife.com.

  • Family care. Parents and caregivers can use work-life services to find prenatal care, child care, back-up care, play groups, schools, volunteer opportunities, or support for children with special needs. There is also information available to help you learn about parenting, adoption, child development, and children’s health.
  • Elder care. Spring Health has a range of resources for seniors, caregivers, adults with disabilities, or anyone planning for the future. Experts can connect you with elder/respite care services, support groups, organizations that help individuals with a certain disease, and tips to stay mentally and physically fit as you age. Caregivers can get information about caregiver support groups, geriatric care managers for long-distance care, and disease symptoms/progression.
  • Daily living. There are a variety of ways work-life services can help you manage day-to-day responsibilities, including assistance with finding apartments, house cleaners, consumer comparisons, emergency services, entertainment services, event planning, volunteer opportunities, moving/relocation services, fitness centers, well-being programs, home repair services, and travel/transportation services. If you need help finding care for your pets, you can get information about veterinarians, obedience training, and sitters/kennels.
  • Legal assistance. Legal consultations are available for matters involving divorce, custody, criminal charges, personal injury/malpractice, debtor/creditor, estate planning, real estate, adoption, probate, landlord/tenant, or bankruptcy. Often, concerns can be resolved through a free phone consultation with an attorney, but those who require in-person legal consultation can choose to be connected with a local lawyer.
  • Financial assistance. Qualified financial consultants and counselors are available to help you navigate bankruptcy, foreclosure prevention, buying a home for the first time, major life-event planning, college-fund planning, retirement planning, credit card debt, identity theft prevention, and budgeting.

‍How can I access work-life services?‍

Visit springhealth.com/target and click on the Learn More Work-Life Support’ to access the digital content library and contact information to request support.

Spring Health Global Partner Contact Information:

For General support call the number for your country listed on the chart or visit springhealth.com/target  or send an email to support@resourcesforyourlife.com.

(General Support available Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm local time)

For critical incident response support call the Direct Dial number for your country listed on the chart and follow the instructions on call.

For individual 24/7 crisis support call the Toll Free Phone or Direct Dial number for your country listed on the chart and follow the instructions on call.


Toll Free phone: 1800400028
‍Direct dial:

*EAP TFN (Toll Free Number): This number is dialed within the country. It is toll-free for callers within that specific location.

*EAP DID (Direct Inward Dialing): This number is used for dialing outside of the location. It includes the country code, allowing callers from other countries to reach the intended destination.

Notice: Scheduled maintenance platform downtime from 9/6 10:00pm - 9/7 2:00am PT.