Pronađite kriznu liniju li ste u krizi? select Option 2
Are you in crisis? Call
1-855-638-WELL (9355)and select Option 2
We’re here to help you thrive, even in areas beyond mental health. Connect with an expert consultant or browse thousands of articles across a variety of legal, financial, and work-life subject areas.
We’re here to help you thrive, even in areas beyond mental health. Connect with an expert consultant or browse thousands of articles across a variety of legal, financial, and work-life subject areas. Use the code "nestle" to access work-life resources.
Uklanjamo stres i nagađanja od pristupa zaštiti mentalnog zdravlja, tako da se možete fokusirati na ono što je zaista važno - vaše blagostanje.
Odgovorite na nekoliko pitanja da biste otključali preporuke za negu koje podržavaju vaše jedinstvene potrebe i ciljeve.
Lako pronađite pouzdanog provajdera koji odgovara vašim željama i razume vas.
Dobijte podršku u roku od nekoliko dana, u vreme koje odgovara vašem rasporedu - čak i noću i vikendom.
Računajte na nas da ćemo vam pomoći da se krećete u svakom koraku vašeg blagostanja.
Mentalna zaštita nije jedinstvena za sve. Vaša prolećna zdravstvena korist uključuje razne usluge koje vam mogu pomoći da postignete svoje ciljeve blagostanja.
Build a healthier mind and happier life with support from a compassionate therapist. Therapy helps you understand yourself better, work through challenges, learn healthy coping skills, improve your self-confidence, and strengthen relationships.
Feel better fast and strengthen your mental health over time with Moments. Our digital library of short, self-guided wellness exercises help you relieve stress, anxiety, burnout, sleeplessness, and other challenges in just a few minutes.
Confidently take the next step of your well-being journey with guidance from a licensed clinician. Our Care Navigators help you understand your care plan and find the right provider, offering recommendations and emotional support along the way.
Speak with someone right away during life’s more challenging moments. Staffed by licensed clinicians, our confidential crisis support line is available whenever you need immediate assistance — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Make managing your day-to-day life easier with work-life resources. Get support to handle legal or financial matters, navigate major life events, find caregivers, locate home service providers, improve your health, and much more.
Learn from mental health experts. Our engaging webinars offer practical tips for navigating common challenges, improving your well-being, and supporting others. Join an upcoming webinar or watch recordings on demand.
Access dedicated support designed for managers and HR Business Partners, providing the tools and expertise needed to address employee well-being, enhance team dynamics, and drive organizational success
Saznajte kako vam možemo pomoći.
Learn how Spring Health can help you thrive and how your benefit works.
Ovde smo da vam pomognemo da napredujete, čak i u oblastima izvan mentalnog zdravlja. Povežite se sa stručnim konsultantom ili pregledajte hiljade članaka u raznim pravnim, finansijskim i poslovnim i životnim oblastima.
Bez obzira sa čime se suočavate, posvećeni smo tome da vam pomognemo da budete dobro. Aktivirajte svoj Spring Health nalog i istražite svoje ekskluzivne prednosti mentalnog zdravlja sada.
Imate pitanja o tome kako Spring Health funkcioniše ili kako vam možemo pomoći da se osećate najbolje?
Notice: Scheduled maintenance platform downtime from 9/6 10:00pm - 9/7 2:00am PT.